Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sprint 2

Assignment: Make camera follow player.

Update 10/27
Camera is working and panning. Just need a player to track.

Siena Entertainment

Presentation about the history of their company. They are the leader in Children Entertainment Apps. Talked about their experiences with apps. Visited with each group.

Sprint 1 Progress

Found a couple of classes that are free to use.
Camera2D - Camera controls
InputHelper - robust input handler class

Thursday, October 20, 2011

EA Work Pipeline

Gate 1 - Concept
Gate 2 - Planning
Gate 3 - First Prod
Gate 4 - Full Prod. Alpha
Gate 5 - Full Polish Beta

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sprint 1

Assignment: Camera Class

EA Presentation

EA Presentation for getting jobs...

Resume Writing
  • Keep it Concise (2-3 pages max!)
  • Include all your contact information(email, phone, address, etc)
  • Start chronologically with the most recent first.
  • Do not overstate qualifications
  • Do highlight applicable qualifications
  • Remove irrelevant information
  • Only put GPA’s if they are >3.0 (if major GPA is high then use that)
  • Prioritize data highlighting the most relevant for each job...what was your impact??
  • Proof read, Proof read, Proof read....

Applying for Jobs
  • Know what you are applying for! (what the company does and what the position is)
  • Read application directions
  • Provide all information and material requested(i.e. resume, cover letter, salary information)
  • If asked to complete an application, complete it in its entirety, do not write “see resume”
  • Email the Recruiter/HR a copy (if you can. Recruiter is usually your ambassador)
  • Follow up 2-3 times max...don’t seem desperate!(day of application if possible or 1 week, a few days, few days)

Job Interviews
  • Be late or arrive more than 10 minutes early
  • Chew gum or candy during the interview
  • Give one or two word answers
  • Criticize present or past employers
  • Use profanity or slang(even if the interviewer does)
  • Interrupt the interviewer
  • Ramble on and on and on...
  • Talk about salary (unless the interviewer brings it up)
  • Avoid answering a question
  • Be unprepared

  • Research the company before the interview (don’t say the game sucks)
  • Turn off your cell phone!
  • Speak confidently and clearly
  • Get the interviewer’s name right
  • Pay attention to your hygiene (breath, body odor)
  • Smile
  • Wear neat clean clothing
  • Keep answers relevant, concise, and clear
  • Take your time answering questions(get clarification, if needed)
  • Provide examples when relevant
  • Be enthusiastic about the job and the company
  • Have some questions of your own ready!

Interview Questions
  • Why are you interested in EA?
  • What do you know about our company?
  • What are your strengths (weaknesses)?
  • What are your career goals?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • If I talked to your prev employer, what do you think they would say about you?
  • What is your biggest accomplishment? (other variations)
  • Why do you want to work for us?
  • Who was your favorite manager and why?
  • What are your salary requirements?

Behavior Base Interview Questions
  • Describe a problem you encountered at work. How did you resolve it?
  • Describe a time when you dropped the ball/made a mistake.
  • Describe a time when you had to work in a team. What problems did you encounter?
  • STAR Method
      1. S- Describe a Situation
      2. T- Describe the Task at hand
      3. A- Describe the action you took
      4. R- Describe the result
      5. What did you learn

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Shadow Thief's 1st and 2nd Meeting

Met for the first time. Got to know each other.

Leadership assignments were distributed.

Played the Wii game, Lost in Shadows. This game helped demo different methods we could use the shadows in our game. It gave us some ideas to try for our game.