This year at the Electronic Entertainment Expo Microsoft unveiled a new experience for their gamers on the Xbox 360. They have teamed up with Netflix to deliver streaming movies to their consoles. This allows people with a Netflix subscription to watch over 10,000 movie titles on their consoles. Not only do they compete with other console companies like Sony and Nintendo, they now compete with movie rental companies like Blockbuster and Hollywood video. This is a wonderful addition to their gaming system but seems to be creating some big enemies at the same time.
fivrmhow long do you think movie rental stores are going to stay in business?
hollywood is shutting down around here.
And by the way ... you have the word 'a' twice in the opeining line of your blog description ...
sorry, just being a mom : )
I heard on the news today that x-box has now teamed up with an organization (i can't remember the exact name ... ? vote ) It is a group trying to get the game players out to vote this next election. You apparenty can connect with this group via your x-box and give opinion about and read up on the candidates and the issues BUT you can NOT vote via the x-box and that is the one thing they hope people remember ... you need to get out and vote!
Also I heard on the radio that x-box has lowered it's price to compete with playstation and game cube??
Suh-wheeet. So the other day in broadcasting (a media/technology class) my teacher asked if anyone knew what 'blog' was short for and I was the only one that knew and it was all due to you. Thanks!?
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